How I become a developer as an HTML editor

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I remember when I was a child in primary school about 10 to 11 year-olds, I played games too much until I wondered how I can make a game like them. That is the first step to become a developer

The very first language is HTML with Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003 editor. I tried any features and buttons on the screen, but I love the most feature that makes a text can move left to right on the screen and change the text style with colors, font size,…

The first game I made is that a test with 4 options to select. When user click on 1 question or 1 answer (option), it will go to the URL into a page. This is the simplest thing that I can think

Day by day, I create a lot of pages and add many codes to the project. However I don’t know, I loved programming so much. When I come back home from school, I will sit down in front of the computer to write the codes that I thought on my way with interesting and happiness. I always think about how to make better to show off my parents and my siblings about my results

This is my journey to become a developer, so I hope it makes you love programing and become a developer

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